One minute
The first post
Well, here I am. Once again starting to write some kind of a blog. Two times in a row, I started with Wordpress. So, this is actually the first change I am going to go with: to create this blog I use Hugo static page generator.
The another important change for this “iteration” of blog is to change its form. In a previous iteration I used a form of an article to write posts. In this iteration I decided to change it to a form of a personal note of what I currently work on with a time-to-time change of subject.
So, this will be all for the first post. And what’s about the next post’s subject? I believe I will go with a problem I last solved working on a project for a client at work. This can be summed up to .NET Core and its options to integrate with Active Directory server on-premises.
Stay tuned and so you soon, hopefully!
162 Words
2021-09-12 02:00